
Birmingham Post

About 1400 articles from the Birmingham Post about boat families, dating from 1857 to 1918. There were so many articles in this particular newspaper that I have had to divide the information into four documents, to avoid it becoming too unwieldy.

Here is a list of names which appear on the document.


Names from Birmingham Post to 1880 (49kb)

The second of the documents from Birmingham covers the dates 1881 to 1890.  So here is the list of names from that document.


Names from Birmingham Post 1881 to 1890 (44kb)

And here's the list of names from the Birmingham Post, dates 1891 to 1900.


Names from Birmingham Post 1891 to 1900 (54kb)

Names from Birmingham Post, dates 1914 to 1918.


Names from Birmingham Post 1914 to 1918 (50kb)

Birmingham 1

And here are the newspaper articles themselves.  Any typing errors are mine and mine alone!

As you have probably already guessed, there are a lot of articles from Birmingham, as might be expected.  Rumour has it that Birmingham has more canals than Venice!  At the height of the canal age, 174 miles of canal, from what I've read.


Articles from Birmingham Post 1857 to 1880 (974kb)

Document 2 from Birmingham covering the period 1881 to 1890.  Just over 400 articles here.


Articles from Birmingham Post 1881 to 1890 (560kb)

Birmingham 2

The canals were the lifeblood of Victorian Birmingham, carrying raw materials and finished goods to and from the factories in the area.  Many of the canals still remain and are navigable, even those in the centre of Birmingham.  The BBC has an interesting article entitled "A Walk throughTime" which covers this subject.

And now the third set of articles from the Birmingham Post. 225 articles here.


Articles from Birmingham Post 1891 to 1900 (420kb)